Media Distribution System

Focused on the distribution of newspapers, magazines and other publications, this system performs all the necessary administration and recordkeeping activity necessary for modern distributions. The system can keep the record of subscribers to various publications, of distributors and of local distribution points. The system can prepare the packaging plan of the publication. It can keep the record of truck routes and the number of copies that are to be transported to each locality on that route. The system allows to keep the records of the invoices and receipts, it develops lists of the subscriptions to be renewed for each agent. The system can keep the record of each agent’s territory, based on street name and house number, thus the overlap of districts can be avoided. The system keeps track of returns and optimizes the number of copies shipped to points where sale is free.

The technology uses the internet / intranet application and can be accessed from a standard browser from anywhere. It is developed using CakePHP and it uses the MySQL database.